
Repository Debian 10 dan 11 Lokal IIX

Hallow sobat antix, berikut ini adalah repository debian 10 dan 11 dari server antix, silahkan bisa digunakan. Debian 10 / Buster deb http://repo.antix.or.id/debian/ buster main contrib non-free deb http://repo.antix.or.id/debian/ buster-updates main contrib non-free deb http://repo.antix.or.id/debian-security/ buster/updates main contrib non-free Debian 11 / Bullseye deb http://repo.antix.or.id/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free deb …

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Master Slave BIND9 Debian

Hostname IP Address Master Slave Konfigurasikan DNS seperti biasa hanya dilakukan pada master. Tambahkan opsi allow-transfer, notify dan also-notify ke file konfigurasi. Pada opsi allow-transfer dan also-notify masukkan IP address server Slave. [root@master ~]# nano /etc/bind/named.conf.options options { ....... allow-transfer {; }; notify yes; also-notify {; …

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Vulnerable Virtual Machine Debian 10

Virtual Machine ini dapat diimport dengan aplikasi Virtual Machine umumnya, sudah diuji coba dengan aplikasi Virtualbox dan VMWare Workstation. Virtual Machine ini memiliki 3 vulnerability yang dimana dapat attacker akan mendapatkan shell dari ketiga vulnerability tersebut. Link Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1huuFyk2tTrNQKpgX0K_3ea1FGNGFmxCN/view?usp=sharing

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LKSN2021 Modul C – Python Web Application

Python Web Application Programmers asked us to make sure they can run sample code below in the python3 virtual environment in the development server. Install python3 and other required packages to run the code main.py Enable python3 virtual environment and create a new virtual environment on “/opt/env/myenv” Install the required …

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Soal LKS ITNSA Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2021

SOAL ITNSA PRE Pre-MTP-LKSN2021-Module A – Day 1_v1.pdf Pre-MTP-LKSN2021-Module A – Day 2_v1.pdf Pre-MTP-LKSN2021-Module B_v1.pdf Pre-MTP-LKSN2021-Module C_v1.pdf SOAL ITNSA ACTUAL MODUL A – INTEGRATION SYSTEMS DAY 1 – ITNSA – LKSN 2021.pdf MODUL A – INTEGRATION SYSTEMS DAY 2 – ITNSA – LKSN 2021.pdf MODUL B – NETWORK SYSTEMS – …

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